Grid-style layouts were huge when Pinterest came about. Portfolios, Products, e-commerce, institutional, arts, you name it. Every one wanted a new unique way to grid up their content, but not be locked into fixed dimensions, and heights. Then came Isotope and Masonry, the first of their kind Jquery plugins to responsively and mathematically calculate absolute positioning of unique height grid items.
Packery is the web 2.0 version of Masonry. Items can be made draggable. Fixed positioned elements can be included into the grid, and allow true grid items to wrap around the fixed positioning. The options and documentation of this plugin make it truly a developers friend. You’ll find other grid plugins out there, MegaFolio, Gridalicious, to name a few, but Packery certainly hits a lot of the desired functionality points for the modern frontend devs out there.
We’ve used Packery in a number of projects so far, as a portfolio solution, and a product/blog aggregate solution. Stay tuned for the launch of our most recent packery projects. We’ll update here with links to the newest sites.
Here are some links of interest:
JS/Jquery Grid Systems Review
and of course for you developers: